Jaihoon Talks

Poetry Revolves around the Love-Sun

Jaihoon asserts that poetry powerfully explores the depth of human experience, inspiring the young students to embrace creativity.

Knowledge is like Viral Magic

Both knowledge and magic cast spells on people, but the former influences generations to come, maintains Mujeeb Jaihoon

Melody Meets Mysticism

Love was running around even as Time was learning to walk, affirms Mujeeb Jaihoon in a lecture at the Kerala University Arabic department

Wrong Printout? Say Asthaghfirullah

Mujeeb Jaihoon asserts the timeless endurance of virtues—truthfulness and justice—amidst the ever-changing landscape of human progress.

Timeless Virtues Triumph Technology

Mujeeb Jaihoon asserts the timeless endurance of virtues—truthfulness and justice—amidst the ever-changing landscape of human progress.

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