Hate for humanity and Faith in God cannot co-exist
Whatsoever be the hateful & painful provocation, our Faith does not sanction to respond with sweeping hate & bigotry, insists Mujeeb Jaihoon
Whatsoever be the hateful & painful provocation, our Faith does not sanction to respond with sweeping hate & bigotry, insists Mujeeb Jaihoon
Only a narcotics-free society can take sane and smart decisions for its present and future progress.
Post-Covid, parents, teachers, and School Management must deliberate on how to make up for children’s lost connectivity with Nature.
Believers should spread the word of good about the educational institutions that foster the Islamic culture, argues Jaihoon at a fundraiser
Tipu Sultan, upon whose death the colonialists proclaimed – ‘From today on, India is ours’, left behind a legacy for his Community to uphold
While a plastic-made gadget helps to find the routes, wannabe Islamic scholars should aspire better to guide the diverted and distracted.
Our creative imagination is reduced to the colonizing imagery calibrated on our smartphones— says Mujeeb Jaihoon, in LITERATURE FEST 2K20
I cannot remember in recent history another well-wisher of humanity, whose friendship extended even to birds & beasts— admits Jaihoon about Shihab Thangal
Lockdown has amplified our social life in innovative ways, said Mujeeb Jaihoon at a Virtual Meet attended by celebrities from music, film & media industry.
Only a definitive women Islamic scholarship can put up a credible counter offensive against Islamphobia, says Jaihoon on the intellectual renaissance of Kerala’s Muslim women