Divine Discourse

Journey Ahead. Destination Behind.

Seekers, who dispassionately leave the shrine of the Beloved, abandon their heartbeat behind. Mujeeb Jaihoon’s tribute to those halfhearted pilgrims.

The Night of Gold Hunt

Mujeeb Jaihoon hails the frenzied seekers in alphabetical fashion to boldly invoke the Divine blessings of the ‘Power of Night’.

Utterly. Insanely.

Jaihoon’s word of caution to mystic lovers not to consume their drink all at once

My Lunacy. My Ecstasy

Spiritual madness is tons better than materialistic sanity— insists Mujeeb Jaihoon

Bless not, if You are not

The slave is not comfortable with the blessings if they are diverting his heart from the Giver

Forgive me, only You can!

Even Ridwan may wonder how this sinner would enter the heaven’s doors into the world of hoors— writes Mujeeb Jaihoon

To HIM Begin Your Walk

In a spiritual dream, Hallaj says Allah is merciful to all irrespective whether the slave remembers Him or not—writes Mujeeb Jaihoon

A Harvest with no grain

While the believers are reaping infinite rewards in the Holy Month, the poet laments he hasn’t earned a grain in the devout harvest

I am late, Your Mercy so early

We may be forgetful of the Lord, but He will never abandon us and as we remain the dark night, His light shows us the way, writes Jaihoon

His Nearness: Our Paradise

The true lovers of Allah worship Him for His sake and He alone remains their joy and ache, admonishes Rabia Basri in a spiritual dream

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