They first demonize the victims. And then murder and molest. Finally, they say sorry, leaving the victims in a state of painful humiliation.


They make us their enemies,
Calling unfriendly demons.
Invent new names
To justify their lies.
On screen and print,
Our dignity taint.


Strike us hard,
Manned and unmanned,
From air bombard.
Graves are dug,
Men are thrown,
Chastity cries,
Shame unveiled.


When all’s done,
Vulture’s fed,
Guns empty

They say sorry
For all that’s awry,
Committed in a hurry.

No one gives an ear
When we are hit,
But all drums roll
When killers repent.

They shoot and loot,
And then pity our plight.

Time and again,
Our blood shed in vain.
Time and again,
A joke is made of our pain.

March 31 2010. Edit Apr 2024

This poem is in response to the news of Serbia’s parliament passing a landmark resolution apologising for the 1995 Srebrenica massacre – Europe’s worst atrocity since World War II. The motion, approved by a narrow majority, says Serbia should have done more to prevent the tragedy. (BBC).
In year 2000, Pope John Paul II offered an unprecedented apology for the sins committed in the name of the church through the ages. (CNN)

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