The search for inner peace through loyalty to the Holy Prophet amidst external turmoil and oppression.

“Silence is victory”,
Said Your Beloved
If so,
I wail silently
For his Love Heavenly.

Each day flies
As a feather in the wind,
Unable to grab
From front or behind.

Life is losing
Its real meaning,
Over the leftovers
It is dining.

No fresh spark
Comes from the heart,
To serve the world
Races every art.

We laugh,
Pretending to be happy,
But in truth-
We are much sad,
With no tears to shed.

Our only dream:
To live like humans
Eat only when hungry
Smile only when in joy
And show love only
To those who deserve.

They say
‘Tis must to struggle for bread,
But does it mean
That the whole life be shred?

The goal of this system:
To make man spend,
Sweet coats the debts
Seducing others to lend.

The apostles of Interest
Their creed openly preach,
Never giving a chance
For the layman to breach.

‘Consume, consume and consume’,
They make greed fume,
They steal the time and mind,
And stab, laughing from behind.

The air is polluted
With emission of smoke,
But worse are the ‘colorful waves’
To which eyes flock.

Man is no more than an ‘asset’
In the corporate eyes,
Like a table or machine,
His value over time falls.

Ah! I don’t point fingers
At ‘Time’,
If any fault,
I am to blame.

All these misfortunes
Fell on us,
‘Coz from Mustafa
We are at a distance.

Had we shown loyalty
To the Chief of Medina,
Enemies would not insult
As in Najaf and Basra.

Bombs and missiles
Drop on our heads,
Embargoes and sanctions
Halt our foods;
Women are raped,
Men are stripped,
Children are orphaned,
Families are shattered

Fashionable no more:
The talk of misery,
Forbidden is everything
Except merry.

Lord! All I ask:
For a little calm,
But not without
Your Thought-storm.

The clamor in the world
May only get worse,
But at least within
May I find some peace.

Your Beloved
Is the ultimate in Love,
Suffice for me:
His footsteps I follow.

June 22 2009. Edit May 2024

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