Men and jinn have long tried, yet miserably failed, to do justice in describing the beauty of the Beloved, notes Mujeeb Jaihoon.
I have seen the smile of flowers,
And the charm of the moon.
And the rhythm of the rivers,
And the song of the seas.
I have seen her selfless love,
And her innocent beauty.
And her passionate heart,
And her loyal care.
I have seen my own rise,
From ashes till the skies.
Soaring in people’s minds,
Greeted by thousands.
But, O Love of all my love!
Of what use,
My entire life?
Your face,
I haven’t seen if.
I have heard tales
Children have the chance
For the fortune,
In a dream shown.
Even Bu Jahl, in his curse-filled state,
Caught a glimpse of your moon-grace.
I am rather of your caravan,
Pursuing your steps I have ran.
You are the light,
A shadow’s my life.
You are the only sweet fruit,
Of this bitter-tree world
My one night’s sleep
Be worthier than the entire life:
If in my dream
For once you appear
More miraculous be I
Than ‘the Cave-Sleepers’
Even as I live among others
And when your love burns:
Thirst and hunger fade
Eclipsed by your love-shine
With what melody,
Did the Lord compose your note?
Tongues fatigue
Intellects faint
Pens dry
We men and jinn give up!
O love of all my love!
Your praise remains incomplete!
Jan 28 2009. Edit Jan 2024
hi plz send me the meaning of jaihoon