Teachers Co-design the Destiny of Children: Mujeeb Jaihoon

Teachers get to spend very focused quality time to nourish the aspirations of their candidates— asserts Mujeeb Jaihoon at Teachers training program, Darul Hidaya Group of Institutions.

Women is key to Community Empowerment

The majority of trainees from the teaching staff present here are from the women community. Perhaps, this is exactly the type of mission fulfilment envisioned by the noble founders of this community institution, Darul Hidaya: to empower the women for greater community advancement. For, when you educate a man, you empower a single soul. However, the education of a girl or a woman results in the empowerment of an entire family, nay, even a neighbourhood around her. Therefore, it is relatively safe to assume that Darul Hidaya is heading for success in discharging its responsibilities towards the community that cherishes it with support and participation.

Inspirational Teachers for Aspirational Students

Some of the best human beings I remember in life are teachers. Surely, such memories are not purely owing to the textbooks they taught, rather, out of their compassion and inspiration they showered upon my disruptive mind and restless heart. They mildly managed my intolerant intellect and affably accommodated my crude curiosity.

Home: For Solace, not Wars.

Teachers are professionally tutored, trained to teach. Parents are not. Unfortunately, today’s teachers and parents both miss this point, especially when expecting little children to complete their studies from homes- aided by their parents. Moms are best at feeding and grooming their children. Dads are best at spending on the child’s wants. Tutoring children are not their cup of tea. Transferring studies to homes anticipating the unconditional involvement of parents will only worsen the already woeful state of parent-child relationship. Home is, or ‘was’ to be more politically correct, a place of solace and entertainment for its members. It should not be made into a battlefield of yelling and scolding in the name of assignments and projects, which only defeats the very purpose of education

Upgrading Teacher’s Knowledge Base

The explosive information enabled by today’s mass consumption of media has buoyed the children’s exposure which has inversely affected their liking for classroom content. Teachers have to make sincere and serious efforts to overcome this ‘information menace’ infecting our little minds. Student will be confident to approach the tutor only when the former is convinced of the latter’s updated knowledge base. Learning is a continuous process. So is teaching an ongoing phenomenon.

Quality Time: Home vs School

When children get home, they need to do their daily chores: watch TV, meet and chat with friends, do assignments, eat food. They barely get to spend quality time with their rarely free parents. Teachers, on the other hand, get to spend very focused quality time to nourish the aspirations of their candidates. They have more opportunities to co-design the destiny of the budding citizens of tomorrow.

Teachers teach. Mentors mould. The choice, dear teachers, is yours.

Posted June 24 2019

Jaihoon speaking at Darul Hidaya Edappal

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