
Gates. Walls. Quarters.

The ancient city of Hebron, believed to house the remains of Abraham, the grand Prophet revered by Christianity, Judaism and Islam

Enter the Hebron

The ancient city of Hebron, believed to house the remains of Abraham, the grand Prophet revered by Christianity, Judaism and Islam

Dawn and Tombs of Kerak

Day two of Olivistan, a journey across the ancient lands of Jordan, Egypt, Palestine and Israel – Dec 2012

Mission Olivistan : Day 06

Malayalees can, read need to, appreciate & imitate two noble traits from Arabs: Expressing Gratitude & Apologies… tweets from Day 06 of Jaihoon’s travel to Middle East

Sayed Sadiqali Shihab Thangal waiving hand at Nabi Musa

Mission Olivistan : Day 05

Masjids were great centers of learning in earlier days. Unfortunately today it’s become resort of the retired feeble ones alone

Mission Olivistan : Day 03

Guide says there was a Palestinian martyr yesterday. All shops are closed. We are walking through streets of old Hebron.

Mission Olivistan : Day 02

The father of a man in our group went for Hajj on foot from Kerala at age of 35 and lived there till age of 67. He walked from India to Pakistan via Iran to Kuwait to Hijaz.

Mission Olivistan : Day 01

Very soon going to embrace an intellectual roller-coaster ride with history, politics and religion of some of THE most happening nations

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