
Dead or Alive

A thought-provoking contemplation on the impact of divine love, questioning the speaker’s existence without it.

Tighten the Knot of Hope

Human weaknesses are no excuse to shy away from spiritual struggle. Hope will bring the lover’s aspiration to fruition alludes Mujeeb Jaihoon

The Celestial Encounter

In a celestial encounter, a believer presents the Almighty with a unique gift: poetry extolling the Prophet’s greatness.

Meem and Ilm: Why Unlettered?

Explore the rationale to discover the deeper meaning behind the seemingly paradoxical title used for the Prophet.

The Same Old Wine

Lovers repeat and rotate the same old tale of love masquerading with new symbols, just like the deceptive wine-seller— an eccentric poem by Jaihoon

Lost in Him

Discover the story of a devout follower finding peace in the ‘Merciful Him’, amidst a world lost in the mundane.

A Nameless Lover

The poet yearns for his name to be spoken to the Prophet, the gateway to everlasting peace.

Prayer for Angelic Envy

Discover the power of gratitude and how it can lead to an abundance of blessings in this tale of unwavering devotion from a humble servant.

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