
My Mother, My Paradise

Mothers lose sleep for the child to dream while also abstaining from food so that the infant could be fed— Jaihoon’s poetic tribute to mothers

Of Self & Smile: A Prayer

Mujeeb Jaihoon shares a prayer to those who veil their pains with the apparel of apparent joy.

To the Popcorn-eating Enablers

Mujeeb Jaihoon blasts the inaction of the silent bystanders as the poor continue to be deprived of their right to life and liberty.

Love Avenged

Mujeeb Jaihoon on Sayed Hyderali Shihab Thangal, the beloved icon of Muslim Kerala, whose death invoked sea of tears in his ardent admirers

War: Incredible Indifference

As innocents are killed, the powerful convene fruitless meetings, exchanging hollow condolences, indifferent to the plight of war victims.

Iqbal, the Torchlight

Mujeeb Jaihoon pays glowing tribute to the ‘Poet of the East’, whose timeless vision inspire creative thoughts in the seekers of truth.

Its Ok to be Human

In this glossy era deluded with superhuman success stories, some times it is worthwhile to remain just an innocent human — writes Jaihoon

Purpose of Life

Creative souls keep hunting for the purpose of life only to realize their ‘gazelle’ shall never come to hand- writes Mujeeb Jaihoon

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