
Babri: Brace for further Hate Race

To all those eagerly composing obituaries for the fanatics-razed 16th century Monument, brace even more for the murder of Minority-souls, not just ancient domes or minarets.

Freedom is the oxygen of the Intellectual

This article is in response to a Twitter discussion, on public intellectuals in the gulf, triggered by the writer’s comment, I thought “public intellectuals” in the Gulf was an oxymoron!

Taking stock BEFORE Ramadan

If we could take this Ramadan as a time for self-assessment. Could we also try to find out how much have the Muslims positively contributed to the development of the world and to the total fund of knowledge and human experiences during this whole year?

Ramadan to Ramadan: Three Rs to Reflect

It is habitual for us to ‘regret about the past, complain about the present and worry about the future’. We spend more time thinking about them, than trying to solve them.

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