Ya Badee’al Ajaaib: A Poem of Mayhem
Weep not for this poet nor for his blood-like plight- Jaihoon’s chaotic poem on spiritual mayhem citing anecdotes from Rabia Basri and Umar Qazi.
Weep not for this poet nor for his blood-like plight- Jaihoon’s chaotic poem on spiritual mayhem citing anecdotes from Rabia Basri and Umar Qazi.
Our soul is the least we can offer as the most valuable token of our love the Holy Prophet.
In this evocative love poem, Sun’s voice charms the moon, whispering secrets reflected in a lover’s eyes.
Mujeeb Jaihoon poetizes a longing heart waits for its love, adrift in time, hoping for a reunion.
The poet pleads to His Lord knowing well that even if he fails non-stop, the Most Merciful will never withhold His grace upon the sinners
In this poem by Mujeeb Jaihoon, a heart aches for a lost love, seeking solace and a promise of a brighter dawn.
The angels worship Allah incessantly but are amazed at the unwavering hope of sinful humans in Allah’s mercy.
A spiritual friend is ablution for the heart whose prayer and presence takes us closer to the Most-Loving
When the Rosary of Affinity breaks, the Sky of Spiritual Joy loses its stars, and Love becomes uncountable.
On the rehabilitation of victims affected by wars and conflicts while hoping for peace and healing in society.