Keralites yet to fully appreciate Sayyid Shihab

His insight, innovation and inclusivity would have gained better recognition were he to belong to another region on earth

Since I am an obsessive writer, I attempt to convey the blessed persons and events of my native land to the rest of the world. It is part of my mechanism to remain connected with my legacy and heritage.

My handful of meetings with Sayyid Shihab were some of the most memorable moments in my life. All those who met with Sayyid Shihab in their lives would testify to the possessiveness they felt towards him. They all claimed that the Sayyid belonged to them more than others.

I had documented one such meeting of 1999 in my historical fiction, The Cool Breeze from Hind, in a chapter titled, Democracy H2H (Heart to Heart). Despite that meeting being our first, he generously spent at least two hours with me. I had no political influence or any recommendation letter to enjoy that privilege. During our conversation, he attentively listened to this newbie writer. Our academic discussion, centered around history and tradition, was occasionally interrupted by his young grandchildren. But he remained calm and composed during those interruptions. When the landline phone rang, the honorable Sayyid, or Shihab Thangal as he was popularly known, who was the most powerful Muslim leader in his time, would rise from his chair and attend to the caller directly without the aid of any personal secretary. He would then return back to me to continue our discussion. He used a digital diary to record my contact details: he was ahead than others in adoption of technology.

I often felt that Sayyid Shihab was not a soul meant to belong to Kerala. His insight, innovation and inclusivity would gain better recognition were he to belong to another region on earth. His vision cut across races and religions for the welfare of humanity at large. His association with Kerala was out of a sheer blessing from Almighty.

Keralites are yet to fully appreciate the outlook of this great son of India. We ought to honor him by fulfilling our commitment for education and innovation.

Highlights from Mujeeb Jaihoon’s talk at Focus 2025 session organized by Kasargod District Sharjah KMCC. CO-guests at the event included Ashraf Thamarasery, Dr. Sulaiman Melpathur and Ibrahim Berike. (Sep. 3 2022)

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