A seeker without a spiritual comrade is worth no more than a rotten crop wrought with drought and despair- Mujeeb Jaihoon’s poem on spiritual kinship

Hey Tasbih! How sweet is His Fear
Granted to you, my dear?

Even in the words you write
You fear: none with Him compete

You coin them
With much care
None shall closer
To Him dare

And if at all by human fault
You cast upon Him a blot
You are filled with regret
Over the matter you forgot

At once, in tears-
You seek with Him refuge
Even your angelic smile
You humanly refuse

Hey Tasbih!

Why kindle
The fire of envy?

Why show me
The harvest sans rains heavy?

I am a rotten crop-
Why such a levy?

Of what use is Lord Samudiri
Sans the fleet of Marakkar’s navy?

Why remind me
Of what I lack
In the race of virtues
Why keep me back?

March 15 2004

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