Dare to Dream Beyond Death

Preserve your dreams beyond death, like the flame that persists when the wax melts away- inspires Mujeeb Jaihoon

Dear young friends,

The name of your institution, Liwa-ul Huda, embodies the significance of the mission entrusted to you by your parents and community. Every name you encounter carries a hidden or apparent purpose to fulfill.

As you graduate from this institution in the coming years, you will embark on the journey of realizing your life’s dreams. You will strive to achieve them using the spiritual and material resources bestowed upon you by Allah.

Allow me to offer a suggestion that may benefit you, insha Allah.

Take a moment to reflect on the contributions of our scholars who came before us. Consider the works of Imam al-Ghazzali or Imam al-Shafi. Have you ever wondered why we continue to study them today? Surely, they are no longer alive to market or promote their ideas. Alongside the blessings from the Lord, they possessed noble intentions and prayed for their work to benefit others, even after their departure from this world.

You too should possess such a prayer for your dreams to live on after you pass away.

Dear friends, you are the candle, and your dream is the flame. Even when the wax melts away, let the flame burn eternally, insha Allah.

Rivers have always captivated me. The proximity of your college to the picturesque Chaliyar river was one of the main reasons for my presence here today. Jaihoon, too, is the name of a river elsewhere.

My heartfelt congratulations to the winners of your recently concluded Union Chairman and team election.

Posted July 2 2012

June 23 2012. Highlights from Jaihoon’s speech at Liwaul Huda Arabic College, Kizhuparamb, Areecode, Malappuram. Jaihoon was invited to announce the winners of the Union Chairman election.

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