True happiness hinges on appreciating the value of people and things in our lives, not just their price tag— asserts Mujeeb Jaihoon as he calls for deeper connections, meaningful experiences, and a richer life.

It might seem too early for a talk, but it’s always the right time to reflect on our blessings. Alhamdulillah, we are seated here today with the blessings of the Almighty. The security, safety, and convenience we experience are denied to many others around the world. Children in Gaza, Rafah, Syria, and Baghdad cannot sit peacefully as we do. We should open our eyes every morning with pure gratitude towards the Almighty, who held our souls during the night and allowed us to wake up to another day. Having a roof over our heads and food to eat are blessings we often take for granted, yet they are luxuries for others.

Today, humans have lost touch with each other and with nature. To protect our humanity, we need good education, good jobs, and good salaries, but we also need to connect with humanity. We need to listen to the birds chirping, sit under a tree doing nothing, and appreciate the simple joys of life. One of the biggest symbols in Buddhism is Lord Buddha sitting under a tree, reminding us of the importance of stillness and connection with nature.

Listening to a song repeatedly might bore us, but the sounds of nature never grow old. Every possession has a price, but its value lies in its use. The price of your phone is the money you pay for it; the value of the phone is how you use it. The same goes for relationships. The financial aspect is often emphasized, but the true value of a relationship is in how important that person is to you.

When we graduate and start working, the salary we earn is the price of the job, but the satisfaction we derive from it is the job’s value. Gratitude leads to happiness, as being thankful for what we have brings contentment. Money is necessary for living in today’s world, but it cannot guarantee happiness. It can pay for things but cannot bring true value to life. This is evident in the lives of the richest people in the world. They are known not just for their wealth, but for the value they have added to the world through their contributions.

In conclusion, while money plays an essential role in our lives, we should not overlook the value of relationships, nature, and the satisfaction derived from our actions. Let us remain grateful and find happiness in the true value of our experiences and connections.

Highlights from Mujeeb Jaihoon’s talk at SIGN IAFS – May, 2024.