Why Scribble for Hours Infinite?

A struggling artist recalls the invaluable advice of a wise friend, sparking a journey of self-discovery and creative exploration

One late night in solitude
As I sat with the pen
A wise counsel
In my memory rang:

“Everyday you sit
For hours infinite
And scribble the tale
Of your heart’s plight

At times you
Are tearfully sad
Often in humor
You go mad

In the morning you
Lean on the chair
At the noon you
Retire to a corner

Towards the friends
You pay no heed
Though they approach
When in need

Always lost
In thoughts
As a broken line
Of scattered dots

Tell me, hey Jaihoon,
What makes your eyes swell
When in my company
For a while you dwell?

You have
A restless voice
Amid topics
You randomly toss
To interrupt
Your eccentric talk
Never gave me a chance

Why not give your eyes
Some human rest?
For, remember, these
Bliss are a test

Take this advice
If you feel am I nice:

If in the night
You have no good sleep
All through the day
Shall your genius never leap

Pay heed
To my sincere request
For, all I pray
Is for your best”

Feb 24th 2003. Edit March 2023

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