Enamored with love, the seeker is unapologetic in his expression of devotion to the beloved.

Why should I hide,
Be embarrassed as a bride?

Why should I be quiet,
Though my sins are quite?

O leader,
My savior.

O lover,
Of humanity entire.

Ever since I have loved you,
Reason and passion are my slaves.

Your name is melody,
Cure from every malady.

You reached me to the Lord,
How else I’d see Heaven’s board?

My confidence on this earth,
My hope for the day of truth.

My sins are piled,
All my deeds filed.

But it does not stop,
From holding this rope.

All my light is from you, the sun,
When in pain, it is to you I run.

You are my verse and prose,
Without you, I get no applause.

Why should I hide,
Be embarrassed as a bride?

July 24 2010. Edit January 2024.

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