The Beloved is the cornerstone of life, the gem in existence’s ocean, illuminating culture and human advancement, asserts Mujeeb Jaihoon.

Sky without the moon,
Ring without the stone,
Song without the melody,
Garden without the rose,
Shell without the pearl,
Shelf without the books,
Bottle without the perfume,
Israel without Moses,
Desert without the sands,
Monsoon without the rain,
Body without the Heart,
Leila without Majnun.

Ah! I could imagine any such naught—
But the world without Muhammad, not!

This world is as good as naught,
Had his Light been naught.

He is the ultimate brick in the Tower of Life,
He is the Gem in the Ocean of Existence.

His is the light of my culture and nurture,
His is the pen whence comes my every letter.

Love and its description is he,
Life and its meaning is he.

Flower and its scent is he,
Moon and its light is he.

Science and its proof is he,
Faith and its creed is he.

Prayer and its answer is he,
Power and its justice is he.

Heart and its love is he,
Eye and its vision is he.

I and my good is he,
I may be naught, not he!

In hell and heaven, I’d disbelieved
Were it not told by His Beloved.

Mistake not these lines as mine,
The Tablet had it long ago written.

I am only being just to myself,
As I sing his song to others.

June 2011. Edit Feb 2024

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