Awaken the Meta Human Within: Ramadan Podcast Series
You normally read a page or two of the Quran. In Ramadan, you effortlessly devour several pages each night- Jaihoon’s Ramadan Podcast series
You normally read a page or two of the Quran. In Ramadan, you effortlessly devour several pages each night- Jaihoon’s Ramadan Podcast series
Mujeeb Jaihoon on being grateful for the everyday blessings which go unnoticed.
The Prison of Love is better than palace of solitude, and other mystic attributes of Love.
Are our actions and decisions aligned with the purpose of our life, asks Mujeeb Jaihoon.
One should only pray that they never meet with unforeseen tragedies to avail these corporate assurances.
Only the human eye can derive millions of meanings and feelings from the beautiful Moon. For the camera, it remains just any other object.
Joy cannot be stacked on the shelves of future alone. Hence, the need for everyday ‘humane’ milestones.