Be optimistic when you face a problem. And remember anything which starts has an end. So your problem also has an end.
Dream of the Stars if You Aim at the Moon
By aspiring for the unreachable, we can achieve what we once thought was impossible— promises Mujeeb Jaihoon
Sunnah: The Salvation from Life’s Tsunamis
Find refuge in the blessed life-system to overcome trials and preserve your identity, insists Mujeeb Jaihoon
Online Deception: Applying Al-Gazzali’s Thought in Navigating Deception in the Digital Age
Mujeeb Jaihoon asserts on not defining life by career, staying true to self, and being vigilant against deception in today’s world.
As the Mouth, So the Morsel
Honoring every language as holy reflects the diversity of God’s creation and promotes cultural appreciation.