Seekers, who dispassionately leave the shrine of the Beloved, abandon their heartbeat behind. Mujeeb Jaihoon’s tribute to those halfhearted pilgrims.
Dare of the Love-Drunk
Drunkards and drug addicts have no clue about the intoxicating state of Prophetic Love, writes Mujeeb Jaihoon.
Love-Lap Holier than Martyr-field
The Lap of Love is holier than the Martyr-field or the prayer-mat, or so claims Mujeeb Jaihoon
Becca of My Being
Our dark eyes & filthy hearts unqualify us to claim the Beloved’s love. In spite, a poetic attempt to approach the Beloved.
The Night of Gold Hunt
Mujeeb Jaihoon hails the frenzied seekers in alphabetical fashion to boldly invoke the Divine blessings of the ‘Power of Night’.