Medinized (Anthology)

The Love’s Abode

Angels marvel at humanity’s unique ability to construct love’s sanctuary both in this life and beyond.

Footsteps in Paradise

Angels meticulously document the virtuous acts of those adhering to the Prophet’s teachings, whose footsteps echo in Paradise.

The Sublime Salute

Gold loses its luster compared to the radiant blessing of saluting the Holy Prophet.

The Pilgrim’s Manual

A pilgrim warns his self to tread humbly in the presence of the Beloved, for even the wind whispers with awe in this sacred space.

Awaiting the New Dawn

The path to the Creator is illuminated by the holy Prophet’s teachings. To stray from them is to wander in the darkness.

Make way for my Miraj

A sinner’s plea for a private encounter during a spiritual ascent to the Beloved.

Pretext for Paradise

Our yearning for God’s Beloved increases our consideration to enter His Paradise, writes Mujeeb Jaihoon.

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