We wander in wilderness hunting for Love only to discover that Love is lingering at the doorstep of the Beloved, admits Mujeeb Jaihoon.
Medina: Beauty Blushed. Dream Sighed
Beauty, dream and fragrance get eclipsed when shines the Full Moon of Medina, eulogizes Mujeeb Jaihoon.
A Throne in Paradise, the Least I Could Ask
Paradise is the least a lover can demand in the name of the Beloved whom the Almighty endears the most— suggests the reckless Jaihoon.
Dare of the Love-Drunk
Drunkards and drug addicts have no clue about the intoxicating state of Prophetic Love, writes Mujeeb Jaihoon.
Love-Lap Holier than Martyr-field
The Lap of Love is holier than the Martyr-field or the prayer-mat, or so claims Mujeeb Jaihoon