
'Hal Thureesh al Ahlam' Released

Hal Thureesh al Ahlam by Ali Hassan Anfalakandy was released by Sayyid Hyder Ali Shihab Thangal, state president of Kerala State Muslim League and received by Mujeeb Jaihoon

‘Hal Thureesh al Ahlam’ Released

Hal Thureesh al Ahlam by Ali Hassan Anfalakandy was released by Sayyid Hyder Ali Shihab Thangal, state president of Kerala State Muslim League and received by Mujeeb Jaihoon

The Idea of an Islamic Journal – Iqbal

I consider Islamic Jurisprudence as the greatest legacy that Islam has left to the modern world. Even the world of Islam has not yet properly understood its value.

I Wrote 18 books, never used a computer; never even sent an e-mail

“Today, children including my daughter who is only 3-years-old, are already pressing buttons on videos and other gadgets that I don’t even understand. They’re really into interactive stuff so poor old books don’t get the attention they used to. Sir Ranulph speaking at Emirates Airline International Festival of Literature (EAIFL),

ഇസ്ലാമിക കല : സൗന്ദര്യവും ആസ്വാദനവും-അവതാരിക

സൗന്ദര്യവും ആസ്വാദനവും മോയിൻ മലയമ്മ ഹുദവി അസാസ്‌ ബുക്‌ സെൽ അൽഹുദാ സ്റ്റുഡന്റ്സ്‌ അസോസിയേഷൻ, ദാ​‍ൂൽഹുദാ ഇസ്ലാമിക്‌ അക്കാദമി ഹിദായനഗർ, ചെമ്മാട്‌, പി.ബി.3, തിരൂരങ്ങാടി-676306, മലപ്പും Islamamika

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