Jaihoon Talks

Quran : The final upgrade of Truth

From Bedouins to Scholars, Scientists to Mystics, Quran’s Beauty Unites Us in Pursuit of Truth— asserts Mujeeb Jaihoon in a Quran seminar

Voyages surge Knowledge

A large part of Islamic knowledgebase is a product of beloved scholars’ journeys and travels, argues Mujeeb Jaihoon

Qualify to Dream like a King

Your dream should be aimed at a larger horizon. For this, you need to gather as much knowledge and expertise for building a grand dream.

Humans are the calligraphy of Almighty

Amidst the Almighty’s majestic creation, we, as humans, shine as the most wondrous and beautiful manifestation in the universe, says Jaihoon

Addressed social media seminar in Sharjah International Book Fair— Nov 2012

Promote Green Reading, says Jaihoon

Sharjah-based poet Mujeeb Jaihoon described the emerging passion for e-books as ‘a gift of God’ to preserve the ever diminishing number of trees on earth

Dare to Dream Beyond Death

Preserve your dreams beyond death, like the flame that persists when the wax melts away- inspires Mujeeb Jaihoon

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