Jaihoon Talks

The Folly of Knowledge-Fishing in the Ocean of Information

Knowledge-Fishing in the Ocean of Information: Jaihoon

The greatest obstacle today in the creative journey lies in our inability to discern between information and knowledge. Tons of our attention and energy is wasted in separating the wheat from the chaff.

Jaihoon speaking at the launching ceremony of Slogans of the Sage

Sayyid Shihab was my World: Jaihoon

‘You see that SIBF quote up there ‘a world in my book’. For me, Sayyid Shihab was my world’, said Jaihoon at Slogans of the Sage launching ceremony.

Jaihoon at Women’s Day at EMEA College of Arts & Science, Kondotty

Imitation, the Angel of Death: Jaihoon

Is Women’s day celebration another deceptive act from the bag of tricks of the Patriarchal Juggler, asks Mujeeb Jaihoon (EMEA College talk)

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