The Selfish Scholar is Sinister than the Miserly Rich: Jaihoon
Knowledge cannot be kept in an uncharitable locker. It deserves to be doled to all, asserts Mujeeb Jaihoon in a disruptive talk at Malabar Islamic Complex
Knowledge cannot be kept in an uncharitable locker. It deserves to be doled to all, asserts Mujeeb Jaihoon in a disruptive talk at Malabar Islamic Complex
The Sufi and Scientist are synonyms, than antonyms, in the eyes of Quranic worldview, reasons Mujeeb Jaihoon in a disruptive talk at Darul Huda Islamic University Punganur, Andhra Pradesh.
Education is the best armor to protect from the weapons of mass and mind destruction, says Mujeeb Jaihoon at a community-run madrasa at Kachavi, village in Haveri District, Karnataka.
The inherent Love, not proofs, in Islam is the most effective cure for Islamophobia, contends Mujeeb Jaihoon at Assam Darul Huda Campus.
Time is too precious to be considered free, asserts Mujeeb Jaihoon along with other disruptive life-tweaking tips during an interactive session at Darul Huda Islamic University Punganur, Andhra Pradesh
While guns & missiles destroy concrete buildings and human bodies alike, words are even mightier to impress and intimidate human minds, inspires Mujeeb Jaihoon during the talk entitled, Words: Crafting Style. Casting Spell, held at Darul Quran Islamic Academy, Pazhur, Calicut (Aug 06 2018)
Are our minds just another shredding machine to process creative waste of the entertainment moguls? Mujeeb Jaihoon takes to task the creative poverty of popular culture, during his disruptive discourse at Cromwell UK International College, Jan 21 2019
Alhamdulillah is an experience, far from an utterance. At best, it is an active state of conscious mind, not an act of passive sigh— reminds Mujeeb Jaihoon at Nahju Rashad Islamic College, Chamakkala.
In the changing world with disruptive technological advancements, it would be wiser to wish, and not plan, for a happy life— insists Mujeeb Jaihoon at M.A.O College of Arts & Sciences, Elayur – Malappuram.
The UAE-based author critiques the tendency of maket-based and sycophantic arts around the world