Jaihoon Essays


A Grand Question from a little one

Meeting Death face to face is indeed a matter of great trial for the faith of the believer. Not everyone can receive the Angel of Death with a smile. In fact death is the test-tube where the solution of faith is examined.

A Catwalk by little ones

In this show, the participants never had to put up a show! They were as they were- pure of heart and intentions. They had not grown enough to become the victims of the Accursed One. Of course, they were instructed to act as so and so, but they never did so successfully.

Shame for Uncle Sam

It was hard to believe whether it was the real news or a commercial break of a Hollywood movie preview. But this was real plane, real building and real people.

Uplifting the Female without dumping her status

Among the most intensely discussed issues of today is the upliftment of women. The issue has attracted attention from all walks of life, creating both controversies and emotional response.

Monkey’s day out

A few months back, the appearance of the ‘Monkey-Man’ that assaulted many had caused an outcry not only in the region where it was discovered, but rest of the world as well.

Valentine’s Day: The Cupid Conspiracy

It is not in my capacity to elaborate the obsession of western civilization with the ancient Roman past, especially its past pagan legacy. Thanks to globalization, the ‘land of sunset’ is more appealing in the eyes of ‘land of sunrise’. What is western is synonymous with what is global and is not much different from the colonial effect of the middle ages.

Sneezing vs. Yawning

A thought dawned upon my mind about two mundane things which we all do (and as such there is nothing philosophical about it). Some of the results on comparison were funny and some strange.

نطاق المصرفية الاسلامية في كيرالا، نظرة اجتماعية

مرة هبط (UFO) جسم طائر غير معروف في مدينة كاليكوت، وخرج الأجانب منه و الذين كانوا في السفينة الفضائية وبدؤوا يتجولون في أحياءها وشوارعها وفي قرى مدينة مليبار هذه، واتصلوا بمقرهم في المريخ وأبلغوا تقريرا سلبيا عن هذه المدينة. .
يبدو أنهم كانوا يخططون تركيب محطة الترحيل للمقطني الأرض حتى يتمكنوا الاتصال بكوكبهم. غير أنه منعهم اختيار مدينة كاليكوت للأسباب التالية.

Making mistakes is Man’s right, not Microsoft’s

Life is all about change. ‘Change’ in seasons, change in relationships, change within one’s owns self. No single moment is the same in the universe. The planetary bodies are changing their location every moment. The rising sun has never seen the same earth on any two days. Change in state or rather movement is the essence of every nucleus.

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