
Sights from Samarkand

Glimpses from Jaihoon’s journey to the historic city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan.

Jaihoon at Beemapally Masjid

Mujeeb Jaihoon visited the Beemapally Masjid, a fascinating pink monument for the Gem of a Lady Saint, (Thiruvananthapuram, Oct 2023)

Jaihoon at Kerala Uni. Arabic Dept

Mujeeb Jaihoon addressed the Post Graduate students of Arabic Department, Kerala University, on the theme of ‘Melody Meets Mysticism’.

Sivagiri Mutt Welcomes Mujeeb Jaihoon

Mujeeb Jaihoon, the UAE-based Anglo Indian writer, was warmly welcomed by prominent priests at a meeting held at the Sivagiri Guest House.

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