Allama Iqbal

Allama Iqbal and Umar Qazi: Two lovers of the Holy Prophet

Had Iqbal known of Qazi, he would have probably included him in his poetry just as Tipu Sultan (from South India). The gap was partly owing to the rich contributions of Keralite intelligentsia but restricted to their own mother tongue.

Prayer of a Child

Let my breath add to the beauty of my nation / Like how a flower adds to the beauty of a garden

A Mother's Dream

Restless I am / In your separation / Enjoining I am / A necklace of tears


A torch has Allah given me / A radiant lamp has He made me / Noble are those ones indeed / Whom others find while in need

The Idea of an Islamic Journal – Iqbal

I consider Islamic Jurisprudence as the greatest legacy that Islam has left to the modern world. Even the world of Islam has not yet properly understood its value.

Communism and Imperialism

One lives by production, the other by taxation, And man is a glass caught between two stones – Iqbal

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