Lovers may be weak in faith and actions, but the desire of Beloved will liberate them from the snare of the False Messiah— asserts Jaihoon.
Betrayed by the Brutal Intelligence
Mujeeb Jaihoon paints a stark contrast between the aggressors’ brutality and the innocence of the oppressed.
Love Plunders Reason
Even as reason and intellect fails and fades, Love takes into ransom the human sensibilities, writes Mujeeb Jaihoon in this mystic musing.
Winning Paradise on Earth
Jaihoon envisions a world transformed by the desire of the Holy Prophet, enumerating the benefits that would result from such a connection.
The Haven of Hope
In an age of demonic deceit, Love, beauty and truth have fled to take shelter in the city of the Beloved, writes Mujeeb Jaihoon.