Syed Sadiq Ali Shihab In Ajman

Shihaz Abu Bakr welcomes Syed Sadiq Ali

Little children sing welcome song for the guest.

Syed Sadiq Ali Shihab speaking.

The speech

Although the function was meant to be a warm get together, Syed Sadiq Ali Shihab, the descendant of Panakkad family, gave an awakening call to the youth to come forward for the spread of Islam. He reminded the undeniable fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the 21st century.

He disapproved of the indifference of the elite class towards the spreading of the religion. ‘It is the duty of every Muslim, whether ruler or ruled, to spread the word of Allah’, he added. The Holy Prophet was the ‘living Quran’ in midst of the society.

He also appreciated the efforts of the Keralite expatriate youth in spreading Islam.

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