Sunnah: The Salvation from Life’s Tsunamis

Find refuge in the blessed life-system to overcome trials and preserve your identity, insists Mujeeb Jaihoon

During a conversation with my son this morning, he asked me who created mosquitoes. When I told him that Allah was responsible, he posed a more complex question: “Why do they bite us?” Unfortunately, I didn’t have a satisfactory answer for him at that moment.

Last night’s rain had stopped abruptly, and the insects had begun their vampire-like feeding frenzy. Nevertheless, my little one had another observation. He believed in Allah’s Compassionate and Merciful attributes and, thus, couldn’t understand why Allah created insects that would harm us.

Mosquitoes are part of Allah’s creation, serving a purpose in the ecological balance that sustains life on this planet. Mosquito bites may also serve as a measure of our tolerance and a reflection of our willingness to prey on our fellow human beings.

The winged parasite is only one of life’s many trials. There are other forces that test our patience and even threaten our very identity. We face crises from abstract forces such as the media, which invade our peaceful homes to corrupt our households. While mosquitoes only suck our blood, other societal forces rob us of our soul and empty our hearts of goodness. Financial institutions fuel our greed, promising a paradise on earth. Life is filled with tsunamis that flood the coastlands of our culture and convictions.

The sanctuary from these tsunamis is to seek refuge in the fortress of Sunnah. We must find every possible way to integrate this blessed life system into our lives. It’s not just our appearance, but our entire actions that should align with the movements of Allah’s Beloved.

Also, remember that knowledge is your personal property, on which you have a greater claim than anyone else on the planet. ‘Ilm,’ as the Beloved called it, encompasses all domains of human thought, including Geography, History, Astronomy, and all other sciences.

Remember, the Champion of the saga of human civilization asked his Companions to go as far as China to seek knowledge. They traveled to the Far East country in search of knowledge, even if they had to leave the Holy Cities of Makkah and Medina.

I wish you all the best in your creative pursuits for the upcoming academic year.

June 24 2010 Bustanul Uloom, Valanchery

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