Malayalam Quran video Commenatry

Presently, the translations and commentaries of Holy Quran are available in bulk in books and cds from the market. Commoners do not have the time to absorb the message of the Holy Book and practice it in their lives. Not everyone can attend religious classes for learning the meanings of Suras.

‘JAIHOON.TV’ offers video commentary of Holy Quran in Malayalam for first time on the internet. Ladies at homes and men at their workplaces can study Quran conveniently. The most important aspect is that each week a certain segment of not more than 20 minutes can be seen. This ensures that viewers get enough time to see each part attentively. Also, previous segments are not removed and thus can be seen anytime from anywhere.
However, the most beneficial part of this program is that viewers can download the MP3 audio of the show into their mobile phones and listen while they are disconnected from internet. They can also share it with their friends via Bluetooth. Within few months of the launch, the downloads have crossed thousands from JAIHOON.TV

The host of the show is Simsar ul Haq Hudawi, who has earned a name among believers as the most sought after orator, especially among gulf expatriates. The show is based on authentic sources and traditions and is free from partisan views and controversies.

Thoughts on Friday (Malayalam Khutba)

Believers are accustomed to weekly refreshment of their hearts through the Friday Khutba. JAIHOON.TV offers a similar experience for viewers by enlightening them with different topics for spiritual development.

Hadees Studies

Riyaadhus Saliheen is one of the most revered books in the Islamic world. It has well arranged chapters dealing with issues from birth to death. This voluminous collection of authentic hadees is wonderfully presented by Alavikutty Hudawi Mundaparampu in simple language for the common man to understand and practice in life

Loving the Prophet

Besides rituals-based shows, JAIHOON.TV also has a show on the community’s relationship with its leader. Religion is incomplete without the love for Beloved of Allah, Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. This is further explained by Ibrahimkutty Ustad Kayakkody in very traditional style.

Advice on Savings

Expatriate life is facing many trials presently due to the changing economic conditions. They are not able to save anything as expenses have increased in both home and abroad. KV Shamsudheen, the popular icon in Gulf region for financial advice, has also collaborated with JAIHOON.TV offering his expertise for the financial well being of viewers.

Urdu Quran Tafseer

JAIHOON.TV has shows in Urdu also catering to the non-Malayalam viewers. The tafseer is presented by a popular scholar from Hyderabad in pure traditional style of language.


JAIHOON.TV also has a collection of exclusive interviews with leaders from different domains of life.

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