MES Educon 2001

Syed Shihab presenting the Souvenir to PM Saeed


Muslim Educational Society (MES) is the premier non-profit agency in India involved in providing educational empowerment to the backward sections of Muslim community for more than 3 decades. Established in 1964 under the leadership of late Dr. P.K. Abdul Gafoor MES has spread its wings to all the Indian states within a period of short span. It has also established units in all the G.C.C. countries during the past 3 years.


It is heartening to state that the Muslim community has marched forward in the field of education, achieving the highest literacy percentage among Muslims in India. This has resulted in economic and social upliftment of the community over the last quarter century, resulting in a remarkable social revolution.
MES Educon 2001 shall be attended by nearly 500 delegates from AGCC countries, Western countries and India.

Several dignitaries including ministers, governors, Academicians and Islamic scholars from various countries are also expected to attend the conference.


Many studies have been conducted on establishing an Islamic university. But this topic requires to be viewed from another angle i.e. from a religious point of view. In my opinion, any problem facing the Muslims, be it cultural or otherwise, is basically a religious problem. Every problem is related to their religious problem.

The popular belief is that many graduates can be produced from the Mohammedan University. It is true. But as far as Muslims are concerned, it is not a big goal. Many universities are set up to guard their cultural foundations. continue … Allama Iqbal’s Essay


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