Are You a Melody or a Malady?

Be a melody and let others sing your tune. Don’t be a malady and trouble their lives. – inspires Mujeeb Jaihoon.

Dear children,

We spend a lot of time thinking about others and judging them based on their appearance and behavior. We even waste our time categorizing them as good or bad and making comments about TV personalities. But have you ever wondered where these judgments take us? Do they help us become better people? The answer is no.

Today, I want to share a tip with you that will help you elevate your personality from point X to Y. The second point is better than the first by at least a few centimeters. So, my little friends, before coming to school, you all would have had a look in the mirror to groom your face and arrange your dress to appear neat and tidy. But you should also take some time to look within yourself and ask, “Am I a melody or a malady for my friends and family?”

A melody is a beautiful arrangement of words that people love to repeat, especially when they are alone. You are a melody when your friends appreciate your help, and your parents and teachers are proud of you. When you become a melody, people think of you even when you are not present.

But if you are a malady, you are a problem or trouble for others. You are on the wrong side of the road, and your friends, parents, and teachers are upset with you.

The simplest way to succeed in life is to analyze what kind of person you are and change to the right type of personality. Have the courage to evaluate yourself and be confident. Don’t worry; no one is perfect. You can always improve yourself without telling anyone about the result. You are the examiner, the candidate, and the question, and you put the marks.

So, make it a practice to ask yourself, “Am I a melody or a malady?” Remember, being a melody will let others sing your tune, and being a malady will trouble their lives.

I wish you all the best.

Highlights of the speech at Hilltop School, Maravanchery – July 21 2010. Edited July 01 2021

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