Lunacy: The Only Moderation in Love

In a philosophical dialogue with Qais, the mad lover, the poet explores the extremes of love, arguing moderation as antithetical to passion.

As I wandered in the sandy hills,
I met with the Prince of lovers.

I enquired of the Maddened Qais,
About his love which turned to craze.

“Your madness set hearts on fire,
Maidens for your love-like desire.

You fell for her pretty looks,
Your life entangled in her locks.

You had your senses retarded,
Leila when from you parted.

The folks then called you mad,
Though later you became our fad.

You gave her your entire soul,
And, she had you ‘madman’ called.

What honor have you brought?
For Aamir’s name, only a blot.

Tell me,
Hey Leila-maddened Qays!
Hey Love-saddened Majnun!

Why this excess in love,
Why be reckless for love?

Why swallow this in one gulp,
Even if poison, you drink per sip.

Why become this desperate,
Why not be a little moderate?

“O love-ignorant Jaihoon!'”
Replied Qays, the Majnun.

“You either with joy live,
Or love and be ready to die.

Love is a matter extreme,
Not as sweet as you dream.

Love is like a pendulum –
Either left or right, its asylum.

Love is either
The hot day or cold night
It makes your Reason
With Passion fight.

To call a lover
To be moderate
Equals calling him
A hypocrite.

The middle path in love
Does not exist
Extreme joy and pain
You cannot resist.

Love begins with
The end letter of full
Half love is only
As good as null.

Love is a burning fire
Step in not if you fear.

You cannot have hearts two
Under the chest of a lover true.

Be a lover like me if you dare
I wrote, loved and died
In Leila’s desire.”

June 16 2010. Edit March 2024

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