Leisure is only a dream

(An abridged version of an interview given to Malayalam News 1999, KSA)

Leisure is only a dream for the energetic leader of Indian Union Muslim league. The visitors keep flowing right from the break of the dawn until late at night. In midst of all, there are inaugurations, political and religious functions etc., also find their way to the Kodappanakkal residence at Panakkad.

A youth preoccupied with his studies and books was later to become a crowd-pulling leader following his father?s footsteps. The acceptance that the son of Pookoya Thangal had acquired through the inheritance and politics was to be a window for the lifetime service to the community. With an unfailing patience and affection, the sage of Malabar also has an inspiring smile on his lips for the deprived to console themselves. A leader with no parallels in the world?

His visionary leadership has been the backbone for the party’s victory in many critical situations. It was during his time that government was established with the Chief Minister, 19 members of legislative assembly and 4 ministers from the Indian Union Muslim League. This was one of the memorable moments for this Adorable Leader of Kerala Muslims.

He joined the celebrated Al Azhar University in Cairo after completing his tenth grade and primary Arabic education in Kerala. At Al Azhar, he had the opportunity to closely interact with men of various capacities. It was at Al Azhar where he formed a clear understanding of the world.

He believes in the capacity of spiritual values in overcoming the corruption in the political machinery. Moral values play an important role in the leadership of the society. He does not approve of extremist methods in fighting for the community?s rights. Many other secular parties have openly the praised this stance of IUML led by the endearing son of Panakkad family.

According to him, the expatriate Keralites are a perfect working model for the co-operation in social and cultural fields. He hopes they will always stand up for their nation and the nation can be proud of them. The community is indebted to them for their noble service.

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