Javanese Culture Expert Receives The Cool Breeze From Hind

Nani Abdul Rahman

Oct. 23 2019 (Surakarta, Indonesia): Nani Abdul Rahman, a keen promoter of Nusantara art and beauty, was presented with The Cool Breeze From Hind, historical fiction by Mujeeb Jaihoon.

Nani was raised by the sea under the care of a Javanese lady who was her primary nursemaid. She studied Bahasa and classical Malay literature at the feet of her mother. At present, she is deepening her knowledge in the Javanese language, sung poetry and sacred dance under the guidance of traditional teachers in Central Java.

Nani received her legal education at Harvard Law as a Fulbright and Khazanah scholar and the International Islamic University Malaysia. She currently works for an investment firm and lives with her Javanese Keeper in Singapore.

Dubbed as ‘a mystical discourse on Indian Indigeneity’, The Cool Breeze From Hind treats the reader to a mystic feast of brilliant visual metaphors and powerful imagery with a rare poetic-prose prowess unique to this UAE-based Indian storyteller. Drawing heavily on Kerala’s historical persons, places and happenings, Jaihoon alerts readers about the dangers of the demonic Monoculture,which wounds the spirit of India’s pluralistic and secular fabric. Adopting a mystic narrative reminiscent of medieval Sufism, the book celebrates India as a multicultural haven of diversity and tolerance: the Gulistan.

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