Today is from Yesterday: Interview on Radio Asia

The interview (July 27- Aug 3 1999) taken by Nisar Syed, Radio Asia MW 1152, sheds light on the upcoming project (MeraWatan already launched) that will set trend in the world of computing on how technology can serve humanity. (The internet edition has been edited and divided into several parts).

A student of Sharjah College, who is developing websites as a hobby as well as a profession is talking to you.

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A technological revolution has taken place in the 21st century, especially in developed countries like UAE. At this stage, Internet is being used in all fields. This young man is trying to popularize the internet to the common people and this attempt, he has caught the attention of media.

The beginning of Jaihoon

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Nisar Syed : Tell the listeners how you began the interest in these matters? How did you come about to make ? What encouraged you to design, develop and install such a site?

Jaihoon : Basically speaking, there is a very famous proverb called: “necessity is the mother of invention”. Although I am a computer student, it was basically out of necessity that I created such a site.

Bill Gates, in his Road Ahead, says that he used to pay around $40 to use a computer which did not even have a screen. His ambition was to simplify the computer operation and thus started Microsoft Corporation. Today it controls 96% of desktop PC market. is named after a river in Turkistan to which Allama Iqbal had compared his poetry

Today is From Yesterday
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Nisar Syed : That means you are on a mission to explore the past which you feel has been distorted. So what are the steps you have taken in this regard?

Jaihoon : I have begun my research with the writings of Zainudhin Makhdum, who is considered the Thucydides of Kerala, namely Thuhfathul Mujahideen, the first ever historical account of Kerala. This was written with the purpose of inspiring the anti-Portuguese struggle in the state. Besides this book, I am also referring other historical texts. I am intending to present this in such a way that is enjoyable to everyone. usually when one speaks of history or events of the past, it seems boring and uninteresting. But history is very important for the society. What it is today is what it was yesterday. Like Allama Iqbal said, “Life moves with the weight of its own past.”.

Nisar Syed : You had webcast the speech of Samadani via the net. Samadani is also very closely associated with the visionary poet.

Jaihoon : Yes. That’s how I came to know it. My gateway to Allama Iqbal is Samadani.

Nisar Syed : Perhaps that was what inspired you to webcast the event.

The Vision behind the project
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Jaihoon : I am also influenced by this great visionary poet and philosopher of India.

Nisar Syed : How did Iqbalian philosophy influence you?

Jaihoon : What Jaihoon shows itself to the people is because of Iqbal. The whole concept of Jaihoon is Iqbal’s philosophy.

Nisar Syed : So you have made this .com based on this?

Jaihoon : Yes.

Nisar Syed : You mentioned something of the dream project that you have been nursing for long. Can you tell in simple terms what it is all about?

Jaihoon : Yes a dream project, as he remarked, is something which has been in my thoughts for a very long time. When that dream is fulfilled and can be seen by people all over the world, not just in UAE or India, I think it is a big deal.

The main issue is to reach out to people what is history and what is not.

Nisar Syed : So you are saying that there are some distortions to history?

Jaihoon : Yes. In Indian history, a lot of patriotism from the side of the South India has been omitted.

Nisar Syed : In short you are trying to say that only the contribution of Northern zone has been recorded as history? So this is a one-man battle against such distortions…

Jaihoon : Yes. Basically I want to give the message of South to the North and rest of the world. In addition, I want to disapprove the newfound admiration that the East part of the world is having with the West. My kind of protest like Iqbal’s Payam-e-Mashriq.

The Target of the Project
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Nisar Syed : By the dream project, are you intending to reach out to the Non Resident Indians about their past or is it the entire world?

Jaihoon : Basically I am targeting the NRIS who live in the GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar etc). But along with this, I have designed in a framework that is equally enjoyable to anyone from any part of the world.

Nisar Syed : Have you thought of a name for this dream project?

Jaihoon : Yes. But I shall reveal it only after it is completed. Insha Allah.

The Growth of Internet among Masses
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Nisar Syed : Internet is still inaccessible in many developing nations like India. Do you have any suggestions in this regard?

Jaihoon : I think the government should give more infrastructure in this regard. A good portion of the budget should be set aside for this purpose. Internet is among the most recent developments that is fast growing. No society can progress by avoiding this and creating unnecessary problems.

Nisar Syed : Why did you opt for Marketing? is it Internet based marketing or just Marketing in general?

Jaihoon : When we say Internet, it is for the common man. Anything and everything in the world is for the common man. So unless technology comes down to man, it will not be adopted.

Nisar Syed : Definitely. So if it stands unreachable from common man, it will not be successful. It has to be simplified.

Jaihoon : Absolutely. And that is what is marketing all about.

The Scope of Internet
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Nisar Syed : In countries like UAE, the governments are implementing concepts like e-government etc. What do you think of the scope of such projects? Is there is anything you can contribute to this development?

Jaihoon : In my opinion Internet is the fastest growing technology today. Yet I have noticed how difficult it is for the common man.

So all the concepts like e-trade, e-commerce and e-governments etc… unless the user interface is simplified, there will no much success. They see it as a complex process.

In this respect I like to sight the case of Microsoft products. The success behind the Microsoft products is not due to its enhanced programming, but because of its user friendly interface. Everyone can operate it easily.

Nisar Syed : In other words, they have created a revolution in this aspect.

Jaihoon : Yes. And that is why they are the largest software producer.

Nisar Syed : And that has created many controversies about their monopolistic practices

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