Humans are the calligraphy of Almighty

Amidst the Almighty’s majestic creation, we, as humans, shine as the most wondrous and beautiful manifestation in the universe, says Jaihoon

The exotic landscape you see around you has been created by the Almighty. He has crafted everything in the most refined manner. However, nothing in this world is as amazing as us humans. We are the most beautiful creation for whom everything else in this universe is made. We are the Almighty’s Calligraphy in the grand scheme of this cosmos.

You have been here since morning, attending this exciting leadership session. Therefore, I do not wish to further tax your energy and time. Instead, I would like to leave you with three simple “Ts” to reflect upon as you plan your path to success.

Transforming the germ of an idea into a gem of action.

Each individual holds within them a reservoir of dreams waiting to be fulfilled. It is up to each one to transform those germs of ideas into gems of action. By translating our thoughts into tangible actions, we can bring forth positive change not only for ourselves but also for the people in our lives. Let us embark on this transformative journey, creating a ripple effect of success and fulfillment that extends far beyond our own horizons.

TRYumph for Triumph.

In order to transform your dreams into tangible reality, it is crucial to dedicate yourself fully and exert maximum effort with unwavering determination. Triumph, indeed, can be seen as a form of “TRYumph,” where success emerges as the ultimate reward for those who persistently strive towards their goals. Remember, success is not merely handed out but earned through relentless effort and the courage to keep trying, no matter the challenges faced along the way.


Finally, as you reach the pinnacle of your goals, it is imperative to acknowledge and express gratitude towards the noble souls who have played a significant role in your journey towards success. These individuals may encompass a wide array of people, ranging from your parents and mentors to your dear friends. Recognizing their invaluable support and guidance is a testament to your humility and appreciation for the interconnectedness of our lives. Remember that no accomplishment is truly achieved in isolation, and by acknowledging the contributions of those who have uplifted and inspired you

In conclusion, it is essential to remember that your true brand lies in your personality, not in the accessories you possess. Avoid letting an obsession with brands overshadow your genuine self. Your authenticity and unique qualities are what truly define you and set you apart. Embrace your individuality and let it shine through, for it is your inherent traits and values that leave a lasting impact on others.

Summary of Jaihoon’s interactive talk at LEAD 2020, a leadership development straining program, at SIGN PhiloSphere, an innovative knowledge village located at Kooolivayal, Wayand – Kerala.

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