Faith in Poetry, Poetry in Faith: The Art of Divine Alignment

Mujeeb Jaihoon unravels the secrets of mysticism— a sleepless love where the heart aches, the soul dreams awake, and faith becomes poetry.

Defining Mysticism

Mysticism is difficult to define because it is entirely a private and secret experience. Whenever we try to explain mysticism, we can explain everything except mysticism itself. It is deeply personal.

Just take a glance at the golden background. Each one of us sees a different color, a different shade, a different tone. We may think we are all seeing the same color, but we are not. And then, of course, there are people who are color-blind, who have selective blindness to certain colors.

Our eyes are among the most precious organs, allowing us to witness the beautiful creations of Allah in this world. Since we are here to discuss literature, we must mention beauty, justice, and truth—because literature, poetry, and mysticism are all about finding beauty in everything. I must appreciate all the art installations here. I am touched by your calligraphy, paintings, and artwork. They are truly praiseworthy, and I salute you for them.

Now, let’s talk about mysticism. From my humble experience and exposure, I believe mysticism is faith in poetry. This is not a universal definition, but rather an understanding—that mysticism is faith in poetry. This phrase can be understood in two ways: faith in poetry, meaning to believe in poetry, and faith as poetry, meaning our faith itself is poetic.

Our faith, creed, beliefs, religion, tradition, and values—all of these are intertwined with mysticism. Just as Fiqh, Aqeedah, and Sharia shape our faith, mysticism is when we see poetry in the verses of the Qur’an. Poetry is the human experience of love, truth, and beauty. When we read a hadith, we can appreciate the poetic phrasing of the Prophet’s words. There is poetry in his speech.

Sunnah: The Act of Love

Mysticism is when we feel a poetic essence in performing a Sunnah. Take something as simple as brushing your teeth. These days, the first thing we do upon waking up is check our phones to see who missed us. But where is the mysticism in brushing our teeth? It seems like an ordinary act—everyone does it. When we brush our teeth, we remember Prophet (ﷺ). This is our early morning mystical experience. This act, introduced by the Prophet (ﷺ), became a cultural symbol in Islam. Even five-star hotels provide a dental kit—who would have thought that this is actually a five-star culture established by the Prophet (ﷺ)? Every Sunnah is an act of love. We need to shift our perspective. 

A literature festival is a mystical experience. Beauty and art are forms of sadaqah (charity). The simplest form of sadaqah is a smile. What does art do? When people look at it, they smile. So, art itself is sadaqah. Making another person happy is an act of sadaqah. Even henna designs are a form of sadaqah.

We are believers—Muslimoon. We are Muhsineen—from the word Husn. What is Husn? It is beauty. We are people of beauty, which is why we have the pillars of Islam, Imaan, and Ihsan. We strive to beautify our worship of Allah. This is why Ihsan exists within our faith—it beautifies it.

Blush like a Bride. Cry like a Child

Mysticism is like blushing like a bride, crying like a child, or being adamant when asking the Creator for something. When you stand for prayer in the middle of the night, the world is serene and silent, with only the soft waft of the wind and the rustling of leaves. We blush because we feel unworthy to stand before the Creator. These are metaphorical in nature. I have mentioned crying like a child—because a child asks and asks and asks until their parents give in. Similarly, Allah is never ashamed to give. You must demand from Allah the way a child demands from their parents. That is mystical.

There were even people who prayed, saying, “If You don’t give me this, I will complain about You to the people.” 

Sleep Elopes

Mystical people rarely sleep. It is difficult for us to imagine. We talk about people who run away from home for love—when their beloved arrives, they elope. Sleep elopes from the eyes of a mystic. Sleep says, I cannot stay in your eyes. You do not respect me, so I must run away. That is mysticism: You can barely sleep. You are restless. You are disturbed by the One you carry in your heart.

Everyone dreams when they sleep. But a mystic does not need sleep to dream. They dream while awake. They sit among others, but their heart is somewhere else. They are lost in thoughts of their Beloved.

Madness Let Loose

Mysticism is also madness and passion let loose. A mystic will say things that sound insane—things that neither scholars nor common people can fully comprehend. Take, for example, Mansur Al-Hallaj, a mystic of Baghdad. He spoke in ways that even other mystics could not accept. Eventually, he was killed by the Muslim community because his words deviated from the orthodox Creed.

Mystical literature are the writings, madness, and sleepless nights of these men and women—yes, women too. How can someone lose sleep thinking about their Beloved or their Creator?

People lose sleep before an entrance exam. People stay awake all night watching movies. On the night before Eid, nobody sleeps—they are busy with cosmetics, clothes, groceries. Families preparing for a wedding stay awake the entire night. We all lose sleep for different things. But these mystics—they lose sleep for something else entirely.

Radical Rabia

I’m just writing some letters down. These are names of people and phenomena noted in history. The first names that come to mind from Baghdad, particularly Basra, starting with the letter R, include the mystic Rabia Basri. She is an intriguing and radical mystical figure. I used to read about her in college and was deeply impressed by her. What made her radical? She even challenged the male mystics of her time.

Once, she stood on a street corner when a man passed by with a bandage on his head. She asked him why he was wearing it, and he explained that he had a severe headache. She inquired further: “Did you have this headache before, or is it recent?” He replied that it was recent. She said, “My friend, all these years you were healthy and strong. Did you wear a bandage then to show people you were healthy? Now that you have a headache, you want people to have a bad impression of Allah?” That’s radical.

Rabia Basri didn’t keep a knife in her kitchen. She believed a knife was an object of separation, turning one thing into two. She refused to have one because she didn’t want to be separated from her Creator, whom she was madly in love with. When other mystics of her time questioned her, saying, “Allah never appointed a female prophet. If women are so great, why didn’t Allah send a female prophet?” she replied, “You’re right; all the prophets are men. But we female saints don’t speak nonsense, unlike Mansur Al-Hallaj. We women mystics would never say such things, so we are still better.” That’s Rabia Basri—radical and profound.

The Noble Nafeesa

Next, let’s move to the letter N. Who is N? Nafeesathul Misriyah, a noble mystic saint and a descendant of the Prophet (peace be upon him). She was a member of the Ahl al-Bayt and the great-great-granddaughter of the Prophet. Beyond her mysticism, she was known for her generosity and charity. We Keralites, especially the Malabar community, feel a special spiritual connection to her because she was the guide of Imam Shafi. Despite having many students, Imam Shafi would often visit her to ask for her prayers. He is one of our most beloved imams.

The Hopeful Hajara

Now, let’s move to the letter H. H is a character who gives you goosebumps—Hajara Beevi, the mother of Ismail (AS) and wife of Ibrahim (AS). She was from Egypt. Sayyidah Hajar was a symbol of hope in her belief in Allah. A mystic must be as hopeful as Hajara. In the scorching heat of Arabia, she ran between the mountains of Safa and Marwa not for exercise but to save her baby from dying. Imagine the desperation of a mother—she ran not once but multiple times, hoping Allah would help. Who could imagine water springing from the ground? But a mystic mother believes it will happen. That’s why we celebrate her in the Wadeema Literature Festival. We speak of her today not because she was a prophetess or a queen adorned with riches, but because of her unwavering hope in Allah. If I don’t run like Hajar, my Umrah or Hajj would be incomplete. She didn’t run for Islam; she ran for her child. But Allah reminds us through her story that hope is essential. Hoping for Allah’s help is what defines a mystic.

The Mindful Maryam

Next is M. Maryam—what does she stand for? Modesty, mercy, and mindfulness of Allah. This is what should be emphasized in literature festivals. Maryam was always mindful of Allah, embodying Imaan (faith). Can you rest your Imaan for even five minutes? As I mentioned earlier, even in mundane tasks like brushing your teeth or entering a washroom, you should be mindful of the Prophet’s teachings. When you’re rushing to catch a bus or preparing for exams, you still remember to wear your sandals with your right foot. Of course, Allah won’t punish you for forgetting, but every Sunnah is an act of love. Maryam, as a child in the mosque, was mindful of Allah 24/7.

Mindless Mania

We often go to coffee shops, order lattes or cappuccinos, and then get distracted by our phones. We don’t fully appreciate the coffee, the caffeine, or the moment. If we can’t enjoy a simple cup of coffee, we’re missing out on the halal joys of life. We’re too attached to lifeless objects like phones, which contribute to widespread depression. When we’re sad or sick, even our hundreds of friends may not reach out. Sometimes, the only creature that notices you in Kerala is a mosquito. 

We must fight this mindlessness. Technology has made us impatient. We send a message and start counting the ticks—one tick, two ticks… We can’t wait. I’m not asking you to become saints, but there’s joy in waiting. Today, we want instant results. The thrill of patience and sacrifice is lost. The prophets waited 40 years for their prayers to be answered. That’s the mystical experience of waiting—infinitely and indefinitely.

The Articulate Aisha

Next is A. Aisha Beevi—what were her greatest attributes? She was an exceptional poet, knowing hundreds of thousands of poems even of Pre-Islamic era. She trained many Sahaba in matters of Deen. The Prophet (peace be upon him) once said about her, “Learn one-third of your Deen from this red-cheeked lady.” Aisha was articulate, bold, and expressive. She spoke confidently to the Prophet and gave lectures. The Prophet said, “I know when you’re angry—you swear by the God of Ibrahim, and when you’re happy, you swear by the God of Muhammad.”

Mysticism in literature is about articulation. Aisha expressed her ideas accurately in matters of Deen. The Prophet would listen to her recite pre-Islamic poems. Poetry holds great importance in Islam. In the Masjid al-Nabawi, there were two minbars (pulpits) —one for the imam to give the khutbah and another for a poet to eulogize the Holy Prophet. Poetry isn’t just for relaxation; it’s powerful. Even on the deathbed, Sahaba like Abu Bakr Siddique recited poetry. Everything in Islam is poetic.

The Loyal Layla

Now, L. While not a religious figure, Layla represents someone crazy in love—a symbol of loyalty. The story of Layla and Majnun is a mystical love tale. Majnun was running toward Layla when a man praying got angry and scolded him for disturbing his prayer. Majnun replied, “I don’t know if you were praying, but I was running toward Layla.” Layla was fiercely loyal to Majnun, despite others questioning her choice. 

A mystic must be equally loyal—to their Creator, their faith, and their community. Loyalty encompasses gratitude and sincerity. We must be grateful to the institutions that have helped us learn. 

Many don’t have the opportunity to study. We must appreciate our blessings and not waste them. If you want to make a difference, remember the sacrifices of those who brought you here. Sacrifice means doing something you don’t like for a greater purpose. Spend more time in the library; it will make a difference.

To summarize, mysticism (Tasawwuf) boils down to one word: A-lign. We must align our passions, hobbies, work, heart, soul, and studies with Allah. That’s the real mystical experience. I can’t fully explain mysticism, but I’ll leave you with this: when we say “I love you,” there’s no “I” in love. Just as you’re possessive about your phone, be possessive about your Lord. Allah isn’t just for times of sadness or exams alone; call on Him every day. That’s the least we can feel.

Finally, W. Anyone? There is no right answer. The sum of Hajara, Aisha, Maryam, Rabiya, and Layla is Wafiyya. So, sisters, Wafiyya is a great medium of education. I have personally written about, spoken on, shared, and supported the Wafiyya stream. It is far superior to the mainstream education system. 

I am actually shocked and surprised that we do not have a single female scholar addressing the public platforms. Kerala Islam is one of the three oldest Islamic traditions in the world outside Arabia. It is a big shame for Kerala Islam that their women have to rely on foreign lady scholars for guidance. This is beyond today’s topic, but it is a serious concern—the spiritual and intellectual stagnation of Islam in our region.I hope you take this seriously and become a voice for change. I hope you take this responsibility seriously.

Highlights from Mujeeb Jaihoon’s talk at the Wadeema Literature Festival, organized by Wadeema Mohamed Butti Women’s College on Feb 22 2025. Posted on Mar 17 2025.

1 thought on “Faith in Poetry, Poetry in Faith: The Art of Divine Alignment”

  1. Sophia Martínez

    The idea of aligning faith and poetry is rich with potential, but this article only scratches the surface. The author relies heavily on sweeping statements about spirituality and art without grounding them in specific examples or analysis.

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