Compassionate Teachers: Sculpting the Future

Discover the transformative power of education as it nurtures young minds, instills values, and shapes a brighter future.

Respected Teachers,

[I was a young revolutionary, and my prayer to God was simple: “Lord, grant me the energy to change the world.” As I reached middle age and realized that half my life had passed without changing a single soul, my prayer transformed: “Lord, grant me the grace to change all those who crossed my path—my family and friends—and I will find contentment.” Now, as an old man with numbered days, my one prayer is this: “Lord, grant me the grace to change myself.” If I had prayed for this from the beginning, my life would not have been wasted.]

You may be surprised to learn that the above quote comes from Bayazid Bustami, the renowned Sufi master of medieval times. It is not from a mystical or devotional book, but rather from a psychology textbook taught in CBSE Indian schools.

1. Bayazid Bustami, the controversial Sufi master, was born in 804 CE in Bastam, Iran. Both in terms of time and space, these words have no chance of appearing in an XI-class textbook. Bastami did not live in recent history and was not born on Indian soil.

2. Most importantly, he was not a psychologist who spoke through empirically proven facts. So, why was he chosen, risking the objective nature of this scientific discipline?

3. It is worth noting that this textbook is supervised by scholars who have no connection to the belief system of the Sufi saint.

Education is unquestionably a holistic process, encompassing both its concept and execution. It is not merely the periodic table, the Newtonian laws of motion, or the dictates of a creed that can individually complete a human being. Rather, it is the harmonious integration of every subject, tailored to the right measure for each child.

A teacher’s role extends beyond imparting knowledge; it involves caring for their students as they would their own children. Children, like pliable clay, rely on the compassionate hands of their teachers. Teaching is a divine mission, where minds are molded in the twin matrix of values and wisdom.

I have full confidence that you will surpass my expectations in nurturing the little angels in your classroom.

Summary of Jaihoon’s address at the Teacher’s Training program organized by Xaitoon Foundation at Darul Hidaya Higher Secondary School, Edappal – Malappuram – Kerala. May 02 2016

Jaihoon’s address at the Teacher’s Training program organized by Xaitoon Foundation at Darul Hidaya

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