The Idea of an Islamic Journal – Iqbal

The Idea of an Islamic Journal
Letters of Iqbal to Dr. Syed Abdul Latif, published in Iqbal Review (Journal of the Iqbal Academy, Hyderabad, Vol : 15, Issue 1, Apr 2006)
Dr Sir Mohammad Iqbal kt
M.A. Ph.D
Dated 1st Nov 1935
Dear Dr. Abdul Latif,
The idea of starting a journal of the kind you mention in your letter is excellent. I have always felt it with shame that men of my generation have not done their duty towards the younger generation. We are leaving their problems, which unequipped as they are, they will find it difficult to solve. I have no doubt that the voice of Islam will met and grasp need of the times. Unfortunately, I can be of no use to you at present. I have been suffering from a bad throat disease for the last 20 months or so and am now thinking of going to Vienna for a treatment. If I regain my health I shall be only too glad to do all that I can for you. For the present I would advice you to make “Islamic Jurisprudence” as special item in your program. I consider it the greatest legacy that Islam has left to the modern world. Even the world of Islam has not yet properly understood its value.
Your’s sincerely,
Mohammad Iqbal
Dated 31st Dec. 1935
My dear Dr. Latif,
Thanks for your letter. As I conceive the Voice of Islam, I think it must discuss modern Islam, its religious and political history and its politics within or without India. I do not know whether the Nizam Government will allow you to discuss the politics of Islam; lest even if does not, a good deal remains for you to discuss with a view to combat the ignorance, the skepticism, the despair and the inferiority complex of the modern western Muslims in India. I f therefore you can make your paper financially sound the enterprise is in my opinion, worth while. The greatest difficulty in your way is that you will not find many Muslims who possess a real insight into things which you want to discuss. Our English and Urdu magazines devoted to Islam are only third class stuff.
Your’s sincerely,
Mohammad Iqbal
Dr Sir Mohammad Iqbal kt
Dated 17th Sept.1937
My Dear Doctor Latif,
My eyesight is falling bad and the doctors have told me not to do reading and writing. My children’s Governess has read your address to me. It is indeed excellent both in idea and expression. I do not quite understand what exactly you mean by what you say on p. 11. “You may talk of this outlook on life… with absolutely no reference to God, if you are so minded.” An Ummat or Community is impossible without the mental foundation of like-mindedness and like-mindedness is seemed in Islam by God as conceived in the Koran. Your sentence gives the impression that Islam as an outlook on life and society is consistent with atheism. I cannot conceive that you mean this, but I would like to have a little more light on this subject. I am glad that Muslim Culture Society has given you some mental occupation and hope that it will do much good to Muslims of Hyderabad. Hopping you are well.
Yours sincerely,
Mohammad Iqbal.

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