A Plea for Dua

Jaihoon seeks prayers for Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, who helped to reconcile the chaotic world of Islamic reformation.

There is a Wise One
Whom I dearly hold
Who saved me
From the confusing cold

Loved alike by young and old
His words helped to Ummah mold

Honors and titles came in his search
His heart on them but never perched

For all my thoughts, he is my gate
The Blessed Tree whose fruits I ate.

‘Jaihoon’ indeed
Is much unfortunate:
To sit in that presence:
Not his fate.

What can he do now,
To convey him love,
In whom flowed,
The Hijazi-blood?

He departed
In the ‘Last Ten’ of Ramadan
When upon the believers
Is the Hell-ban

With Him you have, my Comrade,
A Greater and noble grade.
May I make for him
A simple plea:
Celebrate him
In your sincere dua.

March 08, 2003.

NOTE: Around 20 years ago, on a Friday (Ramadan 22 – Dec 31 1999), while reading the Holy Quran and preparing to attend the Juma prayer, Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi, the renowned luminary of Islamic scholarship, answered the call of his Lord. His countless admirers across the world were left devastated by his demise. As someone who grew up reading his profound books on Islamic history, I was shattered by his irreplaceable loss. His works had personally helped me to reconcile the chaotic world of spiritual and intellectual reformation in Islam. Let us pray for this intellectual giant of Islam whose sincere love for the Holy Prophet continue to inspire countless hearts and minds even today.

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