SHARJAH – Mujeeb Rahman, who writes in his pen name Jaihoon has recently published his latest book Henna for the Heart. This is his second book after Egoptics, an anthology of poems and essays released in 2003.

Henna for the Heart is a collection of 31 poems, mostly based on mythical themes similar to that of Jalaludin the greatest Persian mystic poet of the medieval times. In the preface of the book, the author argues that in a world where cosmetics are a multi-billion industry involving alluring models and lavish advertising it is the purification of the heart that takes a back seat. In order to overcome this deplorable state of humanity, he calls for the cleaning of the heart of all filth and hatred towards fellow human beings.

By a staff reporter, 22 May 2004. published in Khaleej Times, 22-05-2004 Also available@