Mujeeb Jaihoon’s book on the late Indian statesman, Sayyid Muhammadali Shihab Thangal, has been globally received by several world leaders.

Oct 05 2024, California: Sayyid Sadik Ali Shihab Thangal, Chairman of the Indian Union Muslim National Political Affairs, presented Mujeeb Jaihoon’s book, SLOGANS OF THE SAGE, to Ali Ataie, scholar of biblical hermeneutics and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Zaytuna College, California. Also present was Haris Beeran, prominent lawyer at the Supreme court of India.

Sayyid Sadik Ali Shihab Thangal, Chairman of the Indian Union Muslim National Political Affairs, presented Mujeeb Jaihoon's book, SLOGANS OF THE SAGE, to Ali Ataie, scholar of biblical hermeneutics and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Zaytuna College. Also present was Adv. Haris Beeran, Member of Parliament and lawyer at Indian Supreme Court.

Originally written in English, Slogans of the Sage, explores the life and message of the late South Indian statesman and philanthropist, Sayyid Muhammadali Shihab. This illustrated book of quotations has captivated readers worldwide with translations into French, Italian, and various Indian languages. Jaihoon, one of Sayyid Shihab’s most devoted followers, has always held a deep-seated respect for the sagacious statesman and compassionate humanitarian.

Sayyid Sadik Ali Shihab Thangal, Chairman of the Indian Union Muslim National Political Affairs, presented Mujeeb Jaihoon's book, SLOGANS OF THE SAGE, to Ali Ataie, scholar of biblical hermeneutics and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Zaytuna College. Also present was Adv. Haris Beeran, Member of Parliament and lawyer at Indian Supreme Court.

Ali Ataie has been involved in interfaith activities for over fifteen years. He has been a guest lecturer and guest instructor at several colleges and universities, including Cal Poly State, UC Davis, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Cal State East Bay, and others. He has also engaged in dialogues and debates with a number of Christian scholars on topics ranging from the historicity of the resurrection of Christ (upon whom be peace) and the Prophethood of Muhammad (upon whom be peace and blessings).

Sayyid Sadik Ali Shihab Thangal, Chairman of the Indian Union Muslim National Political Affairs, presented Mujeeb Jaihoon's book, SLOGANS OF THE SAGE, to Ali Ataie, scholar of biblical hermeneutics and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Zaytuna College. Also present was Adv. Haris Beeran, Member of Parliament and lawyer at Indian Supreme Court.

He studied various Islamic sciences with local San Francisco Bay Area scholars. He is a graduate of the Badr Arabic Language Institute in Hadramawt, Yemen, and studied at the prestigious Dar al-Mustafa, also in Hadramawt, under some of the most eminent scholars in the world. He holds a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley (Oct. 2011), with emphasis upon the New Testament (he is the first Muslim seminarian in the over 150 year history of the school to earn this degree). He is certified in Arabic, Hebrew, and Biblical Greek, and is fluent in Farsi. He also holds a Ph.D. in Islamic Biblical Hermeneutics from the Graduate Theological Union (Oct. 2016) and is a professor of Arabic, Qur’an, and Comparative Theologies at Zaytuna College, the first accredited Muslim College in North America.

Sayyid Sadik Ali Shihab Thangal, Chairman of the Indian Union Muslim National Political Affairs, presented Mujeeb Jaihoon's book, SLOGANS OF THE SAGE, to Ali Ataie, scholar of biblical hermeneutics and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Zaytuna College. Also present was Adv. Haris Beeran, Member of Parliament and lawyer at Indian Supreme Court.

‘Slogans of the Sage’ is available worldwide on Amazon